Tell us; what is your own favorite doll? Please fill in this questionaire.

Guess what is the most popular doll?
See bottom ...

Please help us to know what dolls are out there!
Every month this website gets thousands of visitors from more than fifty countries. The great question is: What kind of dolls are out there?

For a while we have used these five different dolls to show the finished, knitted doll clothes: Baby born, Chou Chou, American Girl Doll, Annabell and Molly P.

However, it is important to us to represent our subscribers dolls as good as possible. So let us know which doll you are knitting doll clothes for. (It could be your doll.., or your child's or grandchild's doll.)

Below we have listed our five dolls here: "OUR DOLLS" . Do you find your doll among these dolls, mark it. If not, most likely you will find your doll in the long list below; "Miscellaneous other dolls." Mark your doll. If you not find it there, write the name of your doll and the size of it, length in inches, in the form the the bottom.

Move down to the bottom of this page and see the results for the most popular dolls (June 09)

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France: S'il vous plaît entrez le mot que vous voyez ci-dessous.


985 responses (October 2011).
The result of "the most popular doll" below.