Burial Garments

by Irene
(Adelaide South Australia)

When I delivered a box of knit and crochets jackets, hats and booties, I was asked if I made burial garments. I said no but since then I have made several which I am about to send off for assessment for the hospital's requirements. I miscarried 5 times myself, never held my babies, but I put myself into each of these garments (I will never know the recipients) for the little one to wear for the parents memories and also attach an extgra bootie or heart as a keepsake for the parents.

Some of the patterns I have gotten permission to use the patterns for charity use. The white outfit for the little girl A was based on a jacket I made up with a shell crochet skirt added and the hat and booties were based on those instructions as well.

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Oct 14, 2024
Excellent work
by: Kjell

Knitting doll clothes can be very meaningful.

Oct 07, 2024
Pattern please
by: Eileen

Could I please have the pattern for the blue blanket?

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